All articles for 'Sean Kingston'
All the featured articles about Sean Kingston. News, articles, net worth profile, and all biography about Sean Kingston.
  1. Want Your Track To Make Millions? Call Ester Dean.

    Want Your Track To Make Millions? Call Ester Dean.

    Ester Dean is the songwriter and producer behind hit tracks from Rihanna, Usher, Christina Aguilera, Nicki Minaj, Katy Perry, and many others. If you're humming it, odds are she wrote it. Here's the 411 on music's secret weapon.
  2. Meet the 28 Year Old Female Songwriter Masterminding Every Bump and Grind Hit You Love

    Meet the 28 Year Old Female Songwriter Masterminding Every Bump and Grind Hit You Love

    This 28 year old former gospel performer is the reigning queen of R&B hits, and you probably have no idea who she is.But that could change very soon...
  3. The 10 Most Expensive Celebrity Baby Photos

    The 10 Most Expensive Celebrity Baby Photos

    In Hollywood, baby photos are big business, and magazines are willing to pay huge sums for just the right shot. Here's a jaw-dropping list of the most expensive baby photos ever.