Just when it seemed like nothing could go wrong for Judge Judy, El Nino came along and proved otherwise. Not only is Judge Judy Sheindlin the highest-paid star on television, she also owns an $11 million home in Florida and her own private jet.
Sheindlin, who has a net worth of $250 million and a salary of $47 million a year, recently had her private jet damaged by severe winds caused by El Nino, at the Naples Municipal Airport. The 80 mile per hour wind gusts damaged local buildings and power lines, and caused Judge Judy's plane to tip onto its tail. The 73-year-old judge typically uses her plane to fly from her home in Naples to tape episodes of Judge Judy every other Monday.
The front of Judy's plane was lifted up into the air by winds, which caused all of the fuel to rush to the back of the aircraft and leave it unbalanced, causing damage to the jet.
FYI, Judy and her husband Jerry have a luxurious home in Naples Florida. The house has six bedrooms and 11 bathrooms and overlooks a man-made lake. Their home also has a spa, three waterfalls, a lagoon type swimming pool, and a gazebo.

Frazer Harrison/Getty Images
Judge Judy only has to work 52 days out of the year taping her show, and makes a whopping rate of $900 thousand per workday. That makes her the highest-paid person on TV. If you find Judge Judy annoying, just think that she only has to work the equivalent of one day a week and makes more in one day than most people do all year.
Judy Sheindlin formerly worked as a judge in criminal court in New York. She transitioned to become a supervising judge in family court in Manhattan, before she became a reality TV star in 1996. Judge Judy recently signed a three-year extension with CBS and plans to do the show until 2020. She has been awarded a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame and even won a Daytime Emmy Award.
In 2015, the American Council of Trustees and Alumni conducted a survey which found that nearly 10% of college graduates thought that Judge Judy serves on the Supreme Court. While that says a lot about our society in general, the truth is that Judge Judy is far better off judging ridiculous cases on television, and makes a lot more money doing so.